Adequate power must be available for power requirements of power source being utilized to provide weld current required.
Proper relationship between lift, plunge, time and amperage is necessary to obtain sound welds. Refer to your machine manual for suggested settings.
The “ground” connection must be attached securely to a clean section of the steel.
Cable length, condition, size, and number of connectors have an effect on power drop at the gun and must be taken into consideration. Use the shortest possible cable length.
Air gaps, moisture, rust, paint, galvanizing, and dirt will affect the weld soundness.
Stud material should be free of rust.
Ferrules must be dry.
Hold gun at right angle to work, hold ferrules firmly against work surface, pull trigger once, do not move gun during weld, remove gun from stud after weld is completed.
Top flanges of beams receiving studs should be free of paint, galvanizing, heavy rust, mill scale, dirt, sand, fireproofing, or other materials that will interfere with the welding operation.
Water or ice must be removed from the top flanges before stud welding.
Do not weld studs if temperature of weld material is zero degrees or less.
Where possible, weld studs to the center of the beam flange to eliminate “arc blow”.
Refer to the instruction manual for you machine to determine starting settings for recommended weld time and current settings.
Through Deck Stud Welding:
Deck sheets should be properly fastened to the steel to eliminate “air gaps” between the deck and steel.
Deck sheets should be free of dirt, sand, or other foreign materials that can affect the weld.
Any water (or ice) on the deck or between the deck and the steel must be removed prior to welding.
Flanges of steel receiving shear studs should not be covered by deck high hats.
Do not shoot studs through deck that has been “lapped” over another sheet or over flashing.
Integral “loop type” hanger tabs must be “pounded down” to make the deck rest tightly on the steel at the weld point.
Do not shoot studs through flashing or deck heavier than 16 gauge.